Missouri cannabis oil bill: is it progress or detrimental to the cause?


Missouri Republicans might pass a bill that would allow cannabidiol oil – a form of medical marijuana – for people with severe epilepsy, but the restrictions on it are so tight that marijuana reform advocates are not exactly thrilled.

The bill, which was introduced by Rep. Caleb Jones (R-Columbia), would allow people with severe epilepsy to use cannabidiol (CBD) oil, a cannabis extract. The oil has been growing in popularity among epileptics, many of whom are children, who experience multiple seizures per day. The medicine has been known to lessen the frequency and intensity of these seizures and does not contain any psychoactive properties.
Although a conservative Republican-backed bill for CBD oils is seen as a step forward for marijuana reform advocates, the severe restrictions on the bill will leave out many who want to use medical marijuana. Not only does the bill specify that only people with severe epilepsy can use CBD oil, but the oil itself has not been shown to help people with other illnesses, including appetite loss and nausea in cancer patients and people with multiple sclerosis, among others.
“[CBD oil] would help my son very much, but the sad thing is that for people who have Crohn’s disease and who have digestive issues — vaporizing is the best thing for them and they wouldn’t have this option,” Heidi Rayl told the Riverfront Times last week after testifying at a senate hearing about medical marijuana.
In addition, a patient must have unsuccessfully tried at least three other medications, a rare legislative mandate that essentially instructs a doctor on how to prescribe medication.
“We’d like to see it be able for the doctor to be less dictated to in how to prescribe it and not just people with certain illnesses,” says John Payne, executive director of Show-Me Cannabis. “Stepping between a doctor and patient – that’s not a good thing.”
Read the rest of the report from Ray Downs over at the Riverfront Times.
