One more chance for medical marijuana in Minnesota?


We reported earlier this week that all hopes for medical marijuana in Minnesota this year were gone. We’re happy to report we were wrong.
A bill legalizing the use, cultivation and sales of medical cannabis introduced last year by State Senator Scott Dibble, a Democrat from Minneapolis, will be considered by a state Senate committee later today.

According to Dibble, the bill would allow doctors to recommend medical cannabis to patients with certain qualifying conditions, including cancer, AIDS, severe pain, and chronic seizures.
Patients would have to register with the state, but would be allowed to purchase their meds from licensed growers or cultivate their own up to 12 plants at a time.
Dibble introduced Senate Filing 1641 in May of last year. It has sat in the state Health, Human Services and Housing committee since then. According to the state legislative site, the bill is up for hearing right now at the state capitol.
The bill would still face strong opposition from Gov. Mark Dayton, who has repeatedly said he won’t approve of bills that allow for marijuana to legally be smoked. Dayton has also said that he won’t give a thumbs up to anything without the approval of state law enforcement leaders.
