The South Carolina House approved a bill that legalizes the use of high-CBD oils for children suffering from severe seizures last night, moving the bill to the governor to sign into law.
The limited bill does not immediately allow cannabis to be cultivated in South Carolina. Parents will still have to import the oil from out-of-state. It also sets up a clinical trial through the University of South Carolina. A committee would consider in-state cultivation at a later time.
Gov. Nikki Haley can veto the bill, but most assume she will either sign it or do neither and have the bill move into law without her. Jill Swing, mother of a six-year-old epileptic child, says she met with the governor’s staff recently and urged them to approve the measure.
“I told them in no way does this bill support full, recreational marijuana,” Swing said, according to the The State. “I explained that the oil really is not marijuana, and they told me they felt sure (Haley) did understand that.”
It would be hard not to understand. It’s simple: CBD oil is not going to get anyone stoned. It’s about as restrictive as lawmakers can be with legalizing medical cannabis.