USA Today profiles people who freaked out on edibles in more Colorado Reefer Madness


Edibles selection at a Colorado dispensary.

A Denver man with anxiety and insomnia issues ate a pot edible knowing it was a pot edible, then had an anxiety attack over the buzz and had to go to the emergency room. While the panic and self-imposed hospitalization sucks for Kyle Naylor, it’s hardly major national news.
Unless you are one of the 3.1 million people who read USA Today regularly, it seems.

“Marijuana ‘edibles’ pack a wallop” details how “laced” brownies are being professionally made in Colorado and soon in Washington (gasp!) for legal recreational marijuana sales. The same edibles that have been for sale in Colorado with hundreds of thousands of people using them for years, mind you.
And then, the fear. Using words like “overdose”, USA Today describes two questionable deaths in Colorado recently loosely tied to marijuana edible consumption. They even quote a marijuana testing lab employee who says “you can feel like you’re dying.”
Dying, they tells ya!
They go on to quote a forensic psychologist from Denver who doesn’t really offer anything other than a bad joke on pot head stereotypes: “When you’re smoking, you reach a certain level of highness … and forget to keep smoking,” says Denver forensic psychologist Max Wachtel, who counsels youth offenders. “It’s in our nature to accidentally overuse edibles.”
Ha ha. The stoners get stoned and forget to get more stoned.
They go on to talk to Colorado state Rep. Frank McNulty who warns of dispensaries “lacing kids’ snacks with THC” – which isn’t happening at all, nor are kids buying edibles at dispensaries. But McNulty’s scare tactics worked Legislation passed this session in Colorado now requires edibles to not look like any commercially available product.
Seriously. That could mean anything that even resembles someone’s arbitrary interpretation of “commercially available”. Suckers, losenges, candies, brownies – all available commercially. Adults like candy. Apparently that’s hard for McNulty to grasp though.
“Until then,” the report concludes, “it’s buyer beware.”
