Drug Free Florida, the group that is putting on the full-court press to get Floridians to vote against medical marijuana, has been active in getting its message out, particularly with videos and with big-time donors coming from the woodwork to finance the cause.
But as much as the group wants to “educate” the state on the supposed dangers of medical marijuana, it sure has surrounded itself with what United for Care Campaign Manager Ben Pollara calls “questionable characters.” Most notable is the recent $2.5 million donation from casino magnate Sheldon Adelson.
“The Anti-Amendment 2 movement is now showing its true face,” Pollara says. “Now more than ever, the people behind Drug Free Florida lack any moral standing to pronounce themselves on anything related to the health and well-being of Floridians.”
From a homophobe to a bigot, Drug Free Florida has been rallying major support from some, let’s call em dubious folks. Want to meet ’em? Well, neither do we — but you should at least know who they are. Broward-Palm Beach New Times has their bios.