North Carolina House approves CBD-only legislation for epileptic kids


The North Carolina House last night approved a CBD-only bill in what seems to be a fast track to overall passage.
It’s a step in the right direction, sure, but it’s still very limited and relatively hard to get access in the program. If approved by the Senate and given the okay by the governor, North Carolina citizens suffering from chronic seizure disorders would be able to access the treatment only after proving that at least three other drugs don’t work. The bill is mostly aimed at children in the state.

According to WCTI, the bill moved through the house with a clip, passing through two committees in less than 24 hours.
The passage gives hope to parents like Stephen Carlin, who has watched his five-year-old daughter suffer for years.
“The medicines that we are giving her right now are ripping her apart,” he told a committee earlier this week. “I’m asking you to please support this legislation I am on my knees for thousands of kids.”
Patients who sign up will be able to access oil that is at least ten percent CBD and no more than .3 percent THC by volume. Patients would have to be seen by specially-designated neurologists and would have to apply for a permit and submit themselves to a database open to law enforcement. All for an oil that doesn’t get anyone high.
No actual plants will be likely allowed to be grown by patients, though the text of the bill doesn’t even specify where the oil will come from. Presumably they will try and get it from the feds or from Colorado-grown hemp plants (since high-CBD strains of bud often have little to no THC, they can technically qualify as industrial hemp), but the bill also implies they could get it from North Carolina universities as well. From the bill: “the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill may, and Duke University and Wake Forest University are encouraged to, conduct research on hemp extract development, production, and use for the treatment of seizure disorders and to participate in any ongoing or future clinical studies or trials.”
The good news for the bill is that the North Carolina doesn’t technically have a specified end to their legislative session, they just end when they are done with business – usually sometime in July.
