Take a look inside Organic Alternatives, Fort Collins, Colorado’s first recreational pot shop


See more photos from the Organic Alternatives Facebook page below.

The first recreational marijuana dispensary in Fort Collins opened its doors on June 20. Well, sort of.
Organic Alternatives had already been operating as a medical dispensary since July of last year, but didn’t obtain a local license to sell recreationally until this past Friday. But since Choice Organics, which has been selling recreationally since April 9, is technically in Larimer County, just outside Fort Collins, it’s officially FoCo’s first.

Organic Alternatives Facebook

As you know, Amendment 64 legalized the sale of marijuana statewide, but it also gave cities the right to ban sales within “territorial limits.”
Fort Collins has definitely taken advantage of this option. A William Breathes post from November 2012 notes that the community originally allowed medical dispensaries, and its city council spent months coming up with regulations in 2010. Then, in 2011, the community voted to ban dispensaries during an off-year election. But a year later, a majority of voters (55 percent) said they wanted them back.
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