Here’s what to expect at the upcoming Minnesota medical cannabis meetings, open to the public


Minnesota’s new 23-person medical cannabis task force has two public meetings coming up.
The first of which, scheduled July 31, is intended mostly as a meet-and-greet for the task force members who will be tasked with evaluating the medical cannabis program. The second one on Aug. 8 is supposed give members a better glimpse into what they’ll be doing for the next six months.

An announcement by the Minnesota Department of Health says topics “will include a review of the legislation, a discussion of potential supporting rules, some early information about the manufacturer selection process…as well as an overall program timeline.”
There’s no word yet on which four legislators will be joining the task force, but last week we took a little closer look at the makeup and found a wide cast of supporters and opponents.
A subsequent City Pages review of all the applications (via the secretary of state’s office) confirms what cannabis advocates suspected: Most of Dayton’s appointees are open to cannabis as medicine only in the strictest of scenarios.
Read more at the Minneapolis City Pages.
