Hunter finds 100,000+ plants north of Houston, prisoners called in by cops to destroy cannabis


Texas prisoners help clean up an illegal pot grow.

A deer hunter north of Houston, Texas stumbled upon a pot grow with as many as 100,000 plants and narc’d it out to authorities. Now, police are celebrating what is being touted as the largest grow operation busted in state history.
A hunter near the town of Goodrich, Texas says he was out rummaging around and scouting the area when he found the grow site, a campground and plenty of hidden equipment. Cops now say they growers have likely been out there for months.

Cops are apparently still on the scene – some 70 of them – and are trying to piece it all together. They say the operation was very elaborate, with irrigation lines and pumps running water from local streams.
“It’s not just a bunch of hippies out there growing them a few pot plants,” one redneck-sounding cop told the Houston Chronicle.
Cops have made one arrest, but aren’t releasing any more details at the time.
Even worse? They made prisoners clean up the grow site. Yup, people who were in jail likely for pot-related crimes had to go out and clean up a field of herb. Hopefully they all got some good finger hash out of the deal, or at least snuck a few bites of some fresh green buds.
Cops estimate there are as many as 16 fields of herb in the area – meaning those cons will have plenty of time to get a buzz going before going back to their boring prison cells.
