Snoop Dogg says he smoked weed at the White House


LA Weekly.

Snoop Dogg makes no apologies for when and where he smokes weed. Case and point? His latest claim that he lit up a blunt while taking a deuce in the White House bathroom.
On his Double-G News Network YouTube show this week, Snoop sat down with comedian Jimmy Kimmel who the Doggfather about wildest place he’s ever toked.

Jimmy Kimmel: Have you ever smoked at the White House?
Snoop Dogg: In the bathroom.
Kimmel: You did? In the White House.
Dogg: In the bathroom. Not in the White House, but in the bathroom. Because I said: “May I use the bathroom for a second?”
And they said: “What are you going to do? No. 1 or No. 2?”
I said: “No. 2.”
Kimmel: Who said this? The first lady?
Dogg: No. The CIA. Or the FBI. The alphabet boys. So I said, “Look, when I do the No. 2, I usually — you know — have a cigarette or I light something to get the aroma right.”
They said: “Well, you know what? You can light a piece of napkin.”
I said, “I’ll do that.”
And the napkin was this.
And by “this” he means a fat blunt of some sticky, icky, icky. Watch the video below.

That wouldn’t be the first time that anyone has lit up at the White House, though. Willie Nelson says he fired up a “big, fat Austin torpedo” on the White House roof before a private concert for President Jimmy Carter in 1980. Even better: Nelson says in one of his biographies that Secret Service was watching him the entire time. Carter’s own kids (as well as President Ford’s) are known to having a puff at the white house.
And though it’s not the White House, the Beatles are rumored to have once fired one up in the bathroom of the Royal Palace in London before being awarded the Member of the British Empire award in 1965.
