St. Paul, Minnesota PD defends killing dogs while executing search warrant that didn’t lead to arrest


Mellow and Laylo.

Last week, a St. Paul Police Department SWAT team kicked down Larry Arman’s door and shot his two beloved pitbulls to death (read all about that here).
Officers were executing a no-knock search warrant as part of an investigation instigated by Minneapolis police, law enforcement officials in both cities tell us. They didn’t find much — according to Fox 9, the search yielded clothing, a glass bong, and suspected marijuana crumbs in a metal grinder.

Law enforcement officials tell us nobody was arrested, though charges of some sort could still be forthcoming after officials disclose exactly what they found during the search in court. That hadn’t happened as of yesterday, but search warrants have to be filed in court within 10 days of a warrant being executed, Minneapolis Police Department spokesman John Elder says.
As if killing Arman’s dogs wasn’t bad enough, the SWAT team’s gunfire came in close proximity to his two young children, who were sleeping on a mattress with Arman when the door to his St. Paul house on East Maryland Avenue near Jackson Street was kicked in, Fox reports.
Read more over at the Minneapolis City Pages to find out just how these pigs cops justify the killing of two innocent family pets.
