Texas adults aren’t all that crazy about weed, but they love their booze


A new report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) collects data from each state to determine the use of alcohol and drugs. Among the findings? Texans like their booze, and they like a lot of it.
The report divides the findings by age group and type of substance abuse, such as general alcohol use, binge drinking, illicit drugs, and marijuana use. For Texas adults, numbers show that they aren’t generally fond of pot. Only around 5 percent of adults smoked pot in the past month.

Around 23 percent of adults over the age of 26 binge drank in the past month. Just a handful of states beat us, including Louisiana (no surprises there) and Washington D.C. (we expect there are plenty of lawmakers slipping a sip under their desks).
Not surprisingly, the scale was significantly adjusted for younger age groups. Around 12 percent of Texas kids aged 12 to 17, and 22 percent of young adults, have smoked pot in last month. About 6 percent of 12 to 17 year olds binge drank, and around 37 percent of young adults found themselves shit-faced at some point in the last month.
For more figures from the Lone Star State, head over to the Dallas Observer.
