Florida Anti-Medical Marijuana Group Pouring $1.6 Million Into TV Ads


With the vote a mere two months away, the No On 2/Drug Free Florida people are decidedly taking it strong to the hoop with their TV airtime buys, trying to get their message across to as many people as possible. The Miami Herald‘s Marc Caputo reports that Drug Free Florida is putting in $1.6 million in TV ads for the first week of October, and are promising more to come after that.
United For Care campaign manager Ben Pollara released a statement on Drug Free Florida’s planned TV ads:
“It’s no surprise Drug Free Florida Committee is making such a large buy so far out from Election Day. When your basic position runs completely counter to public opinion, millions in misleading advertising is the only strategy available. But no amount of advertising can overwhelm the basic facts. Floridians know the benefits of medical marijuana are real, and the people of this state are deeply compassionate. We believe the overwhelming majority will vote to make sure patients no longer have to risk incarceration for listening to their doctors and seeking relief from debilitating diseases and medical conditions.”

The group, which has already put out a billboard and ad attacking Amendment 2 backer John Morgan, is in a somewhat of an uphill battle.
Most polls continue to show Florida voters favoring the legalization of medical marijuana.
The most recent polling, from Gravis Marketing, says an overwhelming 64 percent of Floridians will vote for Amendment 2 come November.
More at the Broward-Palm Beach New Times.
