Marijuana Task Force Recommends Permanent Pot Sales Ban in One of the Largest Colorado Counties


Rick Kimpell/Commons.
Jefferson County, Colorado.

Jefferson County, Colorado has resisted marijuana businesses for years — and that seems unlikely to change anytime soon. Several months before Jeffco’s current moratorium is set to expire, the county’s Marijuana Task Force has issued a 134-page report arguing that cannabis sales should be permanently banned.

The task force was created to offer recommendations to Jeffco’s board of county commissioners in advance of the February 1, 2015 expiration of its current moratorium, which went into effect in July 2013. They include longtime drug warrior Tom Gorman, head of the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, plus the Marijuana Industry Group’s Michael Elliott and folks representing business interests (Evergreen Chamber of Commerce CEO Lin Browning), government (Lakewood City Councilwoman Ramey Johnson), the medical community (Dr. Mark Johnson of Jefferson County Public Health) and law enforcement (retired police officer Robert Cantwell).
But things didn’t turn out favorably for pot businesses. More at the Denver Westword.
