Orange County Cop Accused of Soliciting Prostitute Gets $10,000 a Month Not to Work


Sascha Kohlmann.

Here’s a head-scratcher: Vahak Mardoun Mardikian got demoted in 2012 by the Glendale Police Department for harassing and belittling other cops, but later the city’s Civil Service Commission sided with Mardikian. He was ultimately give a huge settlement, basically by claiming that the department, half of which is made up of Armenian, black and Latino cops, is anti-Armenian.
But on Aug. 8, Markidian got tossed in Clark County jail for allegedly giving Las Vegas vice detective Justine Gatus $275 for anal sex — and, well, to fill her gas tank. That’s what Nevada court records show, obtained by the scrappy Glendale News Press. But now he’s going to start collecting $10,000 a month off taxpayers– and he gets to retire at age 50 on the taxpayer dime. Is this OK?
