Should Colorado Pot Edibles All Be Colored Orange?


Edibles selection at a Colorado dispensary.

Should recreational cannabis edibles manufacturers be required to ensure that their products are distinguishable from similar non-medicated products even outside the original packaging materials? That’s the tricky question that was discussed on Thursday, September 11, when a working group met to discuss implementation of the Smart Colorado-sponsored House Bill 14-1366.

The guiding principals cited for the rule — which were mentioned again during the hearing, and which could become a sticking point for the proposed rule — declare that rule implementation must be systematic, transparent, defensible and operable. Most of the debate centered around that last item.
Gina Carbone of Smart Colorado and other members of the working group stressed that the purpose of this rule is to guarantee that cannabis-infused edibles are easily recognizable. She stated that some parents of children in Colorado have concerns that their children are consuming marijuana without parental knowledge or consent and that this is possible because of under-the-radar methods of consumption, such as vaping or edibles.
To that end, the working group discussed several methods of indicating that a product contains marijuana: a marking or stamp of some sort; a specific shape; a specific color; or more robust labeling with an easily recognizable symbol.
More at the Latest Word.
