Denver Police Video Advises Parents Worried Trick-or-Treaters Will Be Given Pot Edibles


Last month, after the Denver Westword shared Denver Police Department concerns about trick-or-treaters possibly receiving pot edibles while trick-or-treating this Halloween, literally hundreds of readers dismissed such fears as unreasonable and reactionary. But the DPD isn’t backing down.
The department has now issued a video in which Urban Dispensary owner Patrick Johnson describes the visual similarities between typical goodies and the infused kind and suggests that any unwrapped candies handed out on Halloween be tossed as a precaution — the same advice that’s been given since he was a kid, he adds.

We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: Anyone passing out pot-laced candy to kids on Halloween is a prohibitionist working to discredit the marijuana legalization movement. Regular candy is expensive enough to hand out, nobody is going to hand out $5 pot candies just to be “nice”.
