Florida’s Medical Marijuana Amendment is In Danger of Failing


For much of the past year, it seemed almost inevitable that medical marijuana would become legal in Florida. Polls showed that more than 80 percent of Floridians would support a constitutional amendment that’s on the ballot this November legalizing medicinal weed.
So it was something of a shocker last week when a Tampa Bay Times poll indicated that medical marijuana will fail to get the 60 percent of the vote required to get on the ballot. It had previously polled at more than 9-to-1. Yesterday, Ben Pollara, campaign manager for United for Care, the main organization fighting for legalization, insisted that “we’re still winning” and said internal polls still indicated the amendment would get more than the 60 percent needed to pass.

From a mass email:

In public polls there’s literally a 19% swing between the highest and lowest.
Here’s what I know: Our own internal data currently puts us above the 60% we need to win.
We knew, when a billionaire got into the race and dumped millions on the No on 2 side, that we would take a hit — and we did. But as it turns out — his money didn’t go as far as they thought it would. We’re still winning.

However, he conceded that it would be a close race.
More at the Broward-Palm Beach New Times.
