Hispanics Less in Favor of Pot Legalization Than Other Groups, Study Finds


During the upcoming midterm elections, Hispanic voters are likely to be key in many races across the country — but could they slow the move toward broader marijuana legalization? That possibility is among the takeaways from a Pew Research Center study looking at Latino voting trends. PRC found that Hispanics are less likely than white or black voters to favor such policies.
The report, entitled “Latino Voters and the 2014 Midterm Elections,” notes that proposals to legalize marijuana for recreational use are on ballots in Alaska, Oregon and the District of Columbia, with medical-marijuana measures up for voting in Florida and Guam. Such votes are important, say cannabis-reform advocates such as the Marijuana Majority’s Tom Angell, because positive results are likely to lead to a tipping point that would cause the federal government to alter pot policies for the country as a whole.

However, many Hispanic voters seem less than enthusiastic about such a prospect. The report found that 49 percent of registered Latino voters are pro-legalization, while 48 percent feel otherwise. This digits contrast with the views of the electorate as a whole, which supports legalization by a 53-44 percent margin.
Denver Westword has more, including an infographic and copy of the report.
