Marijuana Makes You Feel Fuzzy, and Other Tips from Children’s Hospital


An image from the Children’s Hospital of Colorado marijuana facts page. Additional pics and more below.

Against the backdrop of a Colorado health department official formally recommending that almost all marijuana edibles be banned, the Children’s Hospital of Colorado staged a weed-related Twitter chat this morning, with one of its focuses being how to talk pot with children under the age of ten. Among the pieces of advice the facility shared: If a child asks, “What is marijuana?,” answer with something along the lines of “”It is a plant that people use to change how they feel. It can make people feel confused or fuzzy.”

Click over to the Denver Westword to see the complete “How to Talk to Young Children About Marijuana” item, as well as an accompanying “The Facts About Marijuana” page, complete with more pics like the one above showing how difficult it is to tell infused goodies from the typical kind.
