New Jersey Man Busted Bringing Pot to Marijuana Court Case Hearing


Here’s a helpful tip that should probably go without saying: when you’re in court for marijuana possession, don’t possess marijuana. Seems like common sense, right? apparently not to Richard Thompson.
See, Thompson, 32, allegedly showed up at Port Authority court in New Jersey this week for initial court hearings for DUI and marijuana possession charges with a backpack full of weed.

According to court security, Thompson showed up at around 10:20 for court and – like everyone else – had to go through security screening before he was allowed to enter. We haven’t been to Port Authorty court ourselves, but we imagine it’s like just about every other semi-large court in this country and has an old airport x-ray machine as well as no-nonsense cops or rent-a-cops who take their jobs very seriously.

Port Authority police.
Richard Thompson.

Thompson likely saw all of this before him yet he kept walking and, cops say, Thompson handed his backpack with about 50 grams of herb in it over to be inspected along with some papers and a blunt. He’s now charged with possession of 50 grams or less as well as paraphernalia possession. Both charges carry up to $1,000 in fines and six months in jail respectively.
Cops tell this is the second time this year that someone has been busted bringing weed to court while answering for unrelated marijuana charges.
