New York Times Endorses Oregon, Alaska and Washington D.C. Legalization Measures


Sunburn O.G.

With less than a month to go before November elections that could bring the legalization of limited amounts of cannabis for adults 21 and up, the New York Times has stepped in to the mix with an editorial endorsing the pot policies.
“Opponents of legalization warn that states are embarking on a risky experiment. But the sky over Colorado has not fallen, and prohibition has proved to be a complete failure. It’s time to bring the marijuana market out into the open and end the injustice of arrests and convictions that have devastated communities.”

The paper’s editorial board argues that taxing and regulating it makes it safer for the consumer as well as an increased source of revenue. As of the end of July, Colorado had collected more than $18.6 million in recreational pot sales taxes, as well as about $5.4 million in excise taxes that goes specifically to state school construction coffers.
The editorial also pushes for the federal government to repeal their ban on cannabis to allow states to set their own policies like Colorado and Washington have done.
Read the entire editorial over at
