Our sister paper, The Denver Westword, had a post earlier this week about a Denver Police Department campaign focusing on trick-or-treaters and the possibility they might be given pot edibles for Halloween sparked fresh accusations of fear-mongering. But this reader suggests that something like this could actually happen — although not for the reasons hyped by the DPD.
Monkey writes:
I bet some of the anti-marijuana-activists will dose their own kids with weed edibles on Halloween just so they can say they were right. After all, It’s the safest way to “poison” children, and get some attention.
My special Sweet Tarts are a Halloween tradition. No THC in them, just a drop of liquid magic, if you know what I mean. But don’t worry, I don’t waste them on children, just like I don’t waste weed edibles on children either.
We would love to trick or treat at that guy’s house.
Happy Halloween, folks.