Miami Lawyer Caught Snorting Cocaine in a Circle K Bathroom, Back in Jail For More Drug Troubles


Kenneth Kukec.

A lot of addicts say they needed to hit rock bottom before being ready to accept recovery. This apparently has not yet happened for Miami lawyer Kenneth Kukec. He was arrested in July after he was allegedly caught snorting lines of cocaine off the back of a toilet in a Circle K in the Florida Keys, but was back in jail on Monday after violating his pretrial release by testing positive for amphetamines.

According to Keys Info, Kukec, 61, decision to snort coke in a convince store bathroom came at a bad time. Two sergeants from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office happened to also be in the Circle K at the same time. One of the sergeants decided he needed to use the restroom and opened the door to find Kukec sitting backwards on the toilet snorting lines off the tank.
Miami New Times has more.
