Study: Pot Use Growing Fast Among Older Americans


The big question is which pharmaceuticals it could replace.

Here’s your daily round-up of pot news, excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek.

A CDC study confirms that older Americans are the fastest growing group of users in the country.  Use by Americans over 65 climbed 333% between 2002 and 2014. For those 55 to 64, it climbed 455%. See the study here.

Stanford researchers have developed a THC test that uses saliva and provides results in three minutes.

A review of 31 previous studies found no correlation between smoking marijuana during pregnancy and health risks to the baby.

A study from the University of Washington looked at what factors attract kids to edibles. Canna Law Blogadds some analysis.

Journalist Emily Willingham wades through the data on using MED to mitigate symptoms associated with autism.

In Forbes, Jacob Sullum called a new report from the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area biased against legalization and “dishonest.” See the report here.

A new study published in The Lancet Psychiatry found that more Americans are using cannabis as fewer consider it harmful. For more see here.

The Oregon agency charged with approving testing labs is reportedly “ on the verge of collapse.

Delaware’s MED program is a hassle for patients.

Prosecutors in Texas are throwing out more minor possession charges. Memphis, Tenn. may reducepossession penalties.

Investigators in Wales say a Vietnamese man found dead in 2014, may have been electrocuted at an illegal grow.

Albanian authorities say they have destroyed more than 1.7 million illegal plants this year as part of a crackdown on organized crime.

In a superbly reported narrative, the L.A. Times tells the story of a suburban supermom who was framedfor drugs.

The Washington Post takes a deeper look on the case law regarding pot use and gun ownership. Pacific Standard has more.

Italy’s largest police union supports REC legalization.

Travel guide writer Arthur Frommer says pot-tourism will be big.
