Penn Jillette: I Hope the Legal Pot Biz Keeps Its “Funk”


He doesn’t want it to go the way of the casinos.

Here’s your daily round-up of pot-news, excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Download WeedWeek’s free 2016 election guide here.

Magician and legalization supporter Penn Jillette talked to Marijuana Business Daily:

“What I’m really hoping for is that the marijuana industry can keep its funk.

“When Nevada first started with gambling, even though it was illegal, even though it was all very, very shady, there was a certain kind of individuality and honesty. Then, in the ’80s, corporations really took over Vegas and it got very homogeneous and very mall-style in general and McDonaldized.

“Certainly the trend is that marijuana is going to become legal throughout the USA and I just hope that the marijuana industry can keep that mom-and-pop, funky style that Vegas had in the ’60s, instead of becoming monochromatic like Vegas became in the late ’80s and ’90s.
“That’s the biggest challenge to the industry I can see – just keeping it fun and honest and human.”
Jay-Z endorsed REC in California. Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid and Vanessa Hudgens attended a pro-REC gathering in Beverly Hills.

Everyone loves the lady-stoner, just as long as she’s white,” Fusion says.

John Roselius, the “this is your brain on drugs” actor, voted early to legalize in California.

The NY Times goes deep on CBD treats for pets. Popular Science urges caution with them.

Merry Jane checks out the cannabis culture in ‘Higherland’ (Ireland), where it’s illegal.

Philly has a weed mascot. His forebear Buddie was not well received in Ohio last year.

The largest group of U.S. police chiefs apologized for “ historic mistreatment” of minorities.

Two have been charged with assault following a grow explosion in the Bronx that killed a fire chief.

Two are dead and one more is in the hospital following a shooting at a house in Sebastopol, Calif. that authorities believe involved a pot deal.

A Mexican judge approved the extradition of drug cartel chief El Chapo to the U.S.

In Kansas, some law enforcement are less willing to issue citations for possession and juries appear less willing to convict.

An Oregon man was cited after he tried to buy a snowmobile on Craiglist for a pound of weed. The seller was a state trooper.
