Get a Job: Five Hottest Cannabis Fields in 2017


Karson Humiston knows how to help you get a job — and how to create your own. At 24, she’s the CEO and founder of Vangst Talent Network (formerly Graduajana), a company she started in college. Vangst will be holding a career fair and product showcase in Denver on Thursday, January 19, to help anyone interested in the cannabis industry learn more about the available opportunities.

“Most of the country is beginning to see that the cannabis industry is a huge job creator, and it’s really only going to get bigger,” Humiston says. “A lot of the candidates who come aren’t in the industry yet, but they like what they do and feel they can apply their skill sets to this industry. I think at this point, that’s what the industry is looking for.”

Here are the five areas Humiston sees as the main job opportunities in the cannabis industry.
