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The company applied to trade on NASDAQ earlier this year but was rejected.

Here’s your daily round-up of pot-news, excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Download WeedWeek’s free 2016 election guide here.

Social network MassRoots, defaulted on almost $1 million in debt payments and laid off about 40% of its staff, according to SEC filings. This week Chairman and CEO Isaac Dietrich, wrote an upbeat letter to shareholders that did not reference either setback. The company has raised more than $5 million.


When it comes to marketing and advertising, proper timing is always essential – and you want to strike while the iron is hot. As cannabis use becomes more and more mainstream, the topic of marijuana legalization is finally being raised in all regions of the country.
When Colorado and Washington became the first states to make weed legal for adults for recreational purposes, the eyes of cannabis critics nationwide focused on the two battleground states, desperately waiting and hoping for problems to arise.

Back in January, as part of a post about a marijuana tour hosted by O.penVAPE, a Denver-based firm whose vape pens and other products have been acclaimed by cannasseurs across the planet, we published the photo above, in which company chief revenue officer Todd Mitchem can be seen enjoying some herb just after recreational use became legal.
The image doesn’t suggest that Mitchem would be in favor of drug-testing his employees — but in April, the firm announced that it would be doing exactly that. The result was a month of controversy, with a well-known pot advocate jousting with Mitchem on social media over the approach. Now, however, O.penVAPE has amended its policy and the critic is praising Mitchem for doing the right thing.

Jon Miller
Sensible Washington organizer and attorney Douglas Hiatt, right, fires up activists before a marijuana march in downtown Bremerton, Washington, earlier this month

Sensible Washington Announces Paid Signature Gatherers in Bremerton, Washington 
Sensible Washington on Monday announced that several “gracious and anonymous donors” have agreed to pay signature gatherers $1 per valid signature, “to assure we get our Bremerton initiative on this November’s ballot.”
This initiative would make cannabis the lowest enforcement priority within the city, as well as ban the city from cooperating with the federal government in the implementation of federal cannabis policies (federal non-cooperation).

ReLegalize Indiana

Two New Hampshire senators added their support to SB 409 on Wednesday, as the New state Senate voted 13-9 to approve a final draft of the bill. The same final draft was approved by the House in a voice vote Wednesday morning. Now that the House and Senate have passed identical language for SB 409, the bill will be presented to Gov. John Lynch, who has threatened a veto.
Senate President Peter Bragdon (R-Milford) and Sen. Fenton Groen (R-Rochester) joined the majority in support after having previously voted in opposition. A co-sponsor of the bill, Sen. John Gallus (R-Berlin) was not present for today’s vote.
Irvin Rosenfeld, 59, has received 300 joints a month from the U.S. federal government for almost 30 years

Irvin Rosenfeld Will Appear in Concord At Tuesday Morning, May 8 Press Conference
Irvin Rosenfeld, one of four patients who still receive medical marijuana from the U.S. federal government as part of the Compassionate Investigative New Drug (IND) Program (a little-known program that was closed to new applicants in 1992), will visit Concord, N.H., on Tuesday, May 8, for a press conference in support of medical marijuana bill SB 409.
The press conference will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the lobby of the Legislative Office Building. Rosenfeld will also meet with elected officials.
Rosenfeld, 59, has suffered since childhood from a rare bone disorder known as multiple congenital cartilaginous exostosis. He recently published a book called My Medicine: How I Convinced The U.S. Government To Provide My Marijuana And Helped Launch A National Movement.

Adithya Sambamurthy/The Bay Citizen
San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón claims all marijuana sales are illegal. Could his brain have been taken over by L.A. District Attorney Steve Cooley?

​San Francisco’s 21 licensed medical marijuana dispensaries are all illegal, according to a new court filing by District Attorney George Gascón. Observers of the scene speculate that the filing could signify a huge change in the city’s cannabis policies.

City law allows medical marijuana to be bought in dispensaries and delivered to patients who have a doctor’s recommendation. The businesses must acquire licenses and seller’s permits from the California Board of Equalization before receiving city Department of Public Health permits to sell cannabis, reports Chris Roberts at the SF Examiner.

Anyone who’s followed presidential politics has a general sense that a few Republicans are OK on the marijuana issue, and most of them are terrible.

The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), based in Washington, D.C., has now produced a video which shows that:

Marijuana Policy Project

​• Ron Paul is obviously the best in the GOP field when it comes to cannabis. In fact, his views toward marijuana policy and the War On Drugs are much better than President Obama’s views on the same — and if you’re a single-issue, marijuana-policy voter, he’s your guy. 
Unfortunately Congressman Paul comes with some other baggage of his own; if you’re fond of things like public highways, public education, college grants, protecting the environment, workplace safety, separation of church and stateSocial Security, Medicare, and the like, you should be aware that his vision of the federal government doesn’t support any of those things. (Just be aware of what you’re getting — and not getting.)

Graphic: Reality Catcher
Arizonans could be paying only a $100 fine for possession of two ounces or less of marijuana if Rep. John Fillmore’s bill passes and is signed by the governor

​The penalty for possession of two ounces or less of marijuana could soon carry a fine of only $100 in Arizona.

Pot isn’t a gateway drug, as critics claim, and all the time and money spent on marijuana prohibition would be better spent elsewhere, according to State Rep. John Fillmore (R-Apache Junction). Under his decriminalization bill, minor pot possession would become a petty offense, reports Ray Stern at Phoenix New Times.

Fillmore said he’s currently looking into how much money the state would save if his bill, HB 2228, passes.

Graphic: Sensible Washington

​Voters in at least one state may get the chance to legalize marijuana this year. Washington State’s 2011 initiative to legalize cannabis for adults will be filed Wednesday, January 26, Sensible Washington state coordinator Don Skakie told Toke of the Town Tuesday afternoon.

The initiative, which would remove marijuana penalties for adults, will be filed in the Secretary of State’s office in the Legislative Building, Olympia, Washington, at about 2 p.m.
“Anyone wanting to be part of this historic event is welcome to participate,” Skakie said. “Please be mainstream in your dress and appearance.”
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