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Serve and protect? Really?

A Minnesota SWAT team on a brainwashed mission to rid the world of yet another non-violent drug user has tipped the scales of injustice and inhumanity by brutally killing a family’s pets while executing a no-knock search warrant on their St. Paul residence.
The twisted, domestic infantry marched up to the home belonging to Larry Lee Arman and his girlfriend Camille Perry early Wednesday morning and used brute force to bust down the front door while the family slept inside. “I was laying right here, and I really thought I was being murdered,” Larry Lee Arman told KMSP Fox 9. “I don’t want to say by who. I thought it was like, the government.”

The Drug Policy Alliance Wednesday filed ballot initiative language last week that would legalize up to an ounce of pot and four plants for adults over 21 in California as well as allow for recreational cannabis sales with a tax of up to 25 percent.
But as of now, nobody seems willing to push it. According to a blog post at last night, DPA officials say they aren’t sure if they are even going to push for the measure right now due to remaining shell shock from failure of 2010’s Proposition 19 that would have legalized recreational cannabis in the Golden State.

Dakta Green.

Dakta Green wants to legalize cannabis. He’s open about his cannabis use – you kind of have to bee when you’re the co-coordinator of New Zealand NORML, you’ve been arrested for operating a place that openly allows the use and sale of herb – and has been a major an advocate for New Zealand repealing and reforming their marijuana laws.
And now Green is running for mayor of the Ruapehu District (roughly the same as a county in the United States) on the North Island of New Zealand on a cannabis reform/lowering electricity costs platform.
Let me grow.

The movement to reform our failed cannabis policies has grown tremendously in recent years and months. It’s not slowing down anytime soon. Cannabis reform is a mainstream issue, and frankly, there’s no denying it. A majority in the county support legalizing cannabis, and 81% support its legalization for medical purposes.
On top of this, a majority of states in our country (27 in total) have either decriminalized cannabis possession (14), or legalized it for medical and/or recreational purposes (18). The remaining states are hard at work towards reform, and advocates in the states mentioned above are vehemently trying to improve their situation. For those who have been on the line about getting involved in helping bring cannabis law change, now is absolutely the time to jump in.
Below is a breakdown of efforts going on around the country:

Eric Holder.

When pressed for an official response to Colorado and Washington marijuana laws yesterday in a Senate Subcommittee meeting, Attorney General Eric Holder again balked at giving any real answer – only to again say that his office will comment soon. All this just one day after former DEA chiefs and the United Nations demand that he take action to stop laws in Colorado and Washington.

Please Distribute
Bong County, Liberia is the center of that country’s marijuana cultivation scene (if I’m a-lyin’, I’m a-dyin’!)

Police in Liberia claim “weak drug laws” are making it hard to crack down on marijuana farmers in that West African nation. Cannabis activity in Liberia is centered — and I promise I’m not making this up — in the nation’s central region of Bong County.

Many farmers in Liberia are reportedly turning to cannabis cultivation to make ends meet, reports the Monrovia Heritage. The Liberian trade in marijuana seems to be largely domestic, according to a report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which also says that many African countries, including Liberia, have “ideal growing climates” for the herb.
“I grow marijuana,” said Nathaniel Cico of central Liberia, reports Voice of America. “It is what I have been doing over the past year to sustain my family and myself. There are no jobs in the country. Things are very tough. How do people expect us to survive if things are very tough, no jobs?”
One-quarter of the world’s marijuana is grown in Africa, UNODC estimates. It reports that up to 13.5 percent of the adult population of the continent uses cannabis, much higher than the global average of between two and five percent.

By Ron Marczyk, RN

Part 1: Civil Liberties and Personal Freedom

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” ~ Gandhi
November 2012 will go down in history as the beginning of the end of marijuana prohibition. What a fantastic way to end the year on such a high note!
The government has fought a 75-year war to eradicate a plant that has served humans well since the dawn of civilization and has lost not just a battle but a war, has wasted in blood and treasure over a trillion dollars, and has destroyed millions of lives.
The War On Marijuana is over, and marijuana has won! We voted, and marijuana use now must be considered a human right.

“Denying veterans access to therapeutic cannabis is making criminals of our heroes.”
National advocates, elected officials and representatives of Oregon’s 300,000 military veterans on Monday joined together in Ashland and Portland to call attention to Oregon’s appalling policy of denying medical cannabis to sufferers of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and to urge Oregonians to vote yes on Measure 80, which would allow adults 21 and older to purchase taxed and regulated cannabis (marijuana) at state-licensed stores.
Worth Repeating

By Ron Marczyk, RN

Americans for Safe Access
Now, the battle over rescheduling has moved from DEA and HHS to the federal courts.
“The DEA had ignored accumulating evidence of marijuana’s benefits, and so acted “arbitrarily and capriciously” in rejecting the rescheduling petition last year. Federal law requires the agency to take such evidence into account, accusing the Department of Health and Human Services of creating a Catch-22 for medical marijuana advocates by strictly limiting researchers’ access to marijuana, then arguing there is insufficient scientific evidence to merit rescheduling it.”
The present day drug scheduling is an incomplete scale in that it only lists negatives!
Medical marijuana does not fit into the present drug schedule; this unique medicine is so special that its multitude of many actions creates its own stand-alone category, a “positive side,” mirror-image type of drug scheduling.
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