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The state’s growing regions can be dangerous.

Here’s your daily round-up of pot-news, excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Download WeedWeek’s free 2016 election guide here.

Two women were arrested for detaining four brothers on a California pot farm and forcing them to work for six months. In Colorado, 14 Chinese nationals were arrested at an illegal grow. Authorities are investigating whether they were “labor trafficked.”

In SFWeekly, I recommended that the industry adopt an abuse-free product certification to curtail worker exploitation.

Jon Loevy, a notable civil rights attorney in Illinois, says that if his group is allowed to open up a legal medical marijuana farm they will donate half of their earnings to education initiatives around the state.
“Illinois has created a real opportunity for profits, and a lot of the groups chasing this are hedge funds and private equity firms trying to get rich,” Loevy told the Chicago Sun-Times. “We see this as an opportunity to reroute millions of dollars to education in Illinois when it’s really needed.

Mark Ramsay from Flickr. Image altered by Toke of the Town.

South Salem High School in Oregon recently forced one of its seniors to admit to being under the influence of marijuana, but even though he was not, and has since provided school officials with a negative drug test to prove it, the school still refuses to grant him permission to participate in the graduation ceremony.

Sheila Gallagher.

It’s not necessarily the type of issue that school superintendents take up, but would-be state schools chief Sheila Gallagher says legalizing pot to pay for schools is among her top priorities.
Gallagher, who is running for the statewide position, says that current attitudes around cannabis are changing. People are going to use cannabis, she says, so why not tax it and put the money to good use: the state’s children.

Colorado democrat congressman Ed Perlmutter today introduced a bill that would allow banks to carry the accounts of medical marijuana and state-legal recreational marijuana businesses.
Because marijuana is illegal in all forms at the federal level, banks insured by the federal government have been reluctant to do business with marijuana dispensaries, even though the pot shops are legal at the state level. That has left hundreds of legal marijuana-related businesses across the country operating on a cash-only basis or hiding the true nature of their business from bankers.

Post-traumatic stress disorder isn’t just a media buzzword. It’s mental and often physical suffering that affects millions of people to varying degrees, often making life unlivable. In recent years, cannabis has been shown – albeit anecdotal – to help improve PTSD symptoms yet many states with medical marijuana laws still don’t allow it as a qualifying condition.

Anyone who’s followed presidential politics has a general sense that a few Republicans are OK on the marijuana issue, and most of them are terrible.

The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), based in Washington, D.C., has now produced a video which shows that:

Marijuana Policy Project

​• Ron Paul is obviously the best in the GOP field when it comes to cannabis. In fact, his views toward marijuana policy and the War On Drugs are much better than President Obama’s views on the same — and if you’re a single-issue, marijuana-policy voter, he’s your guy. 
Unfortunately Congressman Paul comes with some other baggage of his own; if you’re fond of things like public highways, public education, college grants, protecting the environment, workplace safety, separation of church and stateSocial Security, Medicare, and the like, you should be aware that his vision of the federal government doesn’t support any of those things. (Just be aware of what you’re getting — and not getting.)

Kush And Orange Juice

​Asian and black teenagers in the United States are less likely to use drugs or alcohol than adolescents of other races, a new study has found.

The survey of 72,561 teens found that American Indian (Native American) youth had the highest rates of drug or alcohol use, with 48 percent reporting they had used the substances in the past year. That was followed by 39 percent of whites, 37 percent of Hispanics, 36 percent of mixed-race teens, 32 percent of blacks and just 24 percent of Asians, according to the research published on Monday in Archives of General Psychiatry, reports Nicole Ostrow at Bloomberg.

The Telegraph

​Possession of any drug for personal use should be decriminalized. That’s the official recommendation of the U.K. government’s drug advisors as of Thursday night. But the Home Office on Friday quickly rejected the suggestion.

If the proposals had been accepted, tens of thousands of people arrested for drugs from cannabis to heroin would have gotten drug education courses instead of getting punished in the courts, The London Times reported on Friday.

Photo: CBS 5 News
This bumper sticker was enough to get a high school English teacher fired in Arizona.

​“Have you drugged your kid today?” That’s the bumper sticker that got an Arizona schoolteacher fired.

It was just one of 61 bumper stickers on high school English teacher Tarah Ausborn’s Toyota Prius, reports Judy Molland at Care2. But after the teacher refused to peel off the sticker after five parents at Imagine Prep High School complained and administrators ordered it — or her car — removed, she was fired.
School administrators told Ausborn she could keep the sticker on her vehicle if she’d promise to park off campus for the rest of the school year. But Ausborn stuck to her guns, and lost her job.