Search Results: jesus/ (2)

The Raw Story
Sara Barnes admitted she burned down one of the oldest trees in the world while smoking meth

​That’s definitely not what we mean when we say “burnin’ trees.” A 26-year-old Florida woman on Tuesday afternoon admitted to burning down one of the oldest trees in the world while smoking methamphetamine.

Sara Barnes was arrested after admitting she set The Senator, a 118-foot, 3,500-year-old bald cypress tree, afire the night of January 16 in Longwood, Florida, reports Mary Nguyen at WFTV.
Barnes, who admitted she was smoking meth with a friend at the time, said she lit the ancient tree on fire so that she could see in the dark, but couldn’t stop it from spreading, reports Andrew Jones at The Raw Story.
What do you bet this miserable meth-headed moron had dropped a rock (or pipe) on the ground and was looking for it?

Photo: Customs and Border Protection
“Lo, thou must hide thy stash much better next time.”

​U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers on Wednesday found 30 pounds of marijuana stuffed into framed pictures of Jesus Christ at the border with Mexico, reports CNN.

“This is not the first time we have seen smugglers attempt to use religious figures and articles of faith to further their criminal enterprise,” said William Molaski, port director of the agency’s office in El Paso, Texas.