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Graphic: Marijuana Prohibition Is Unconstitutional

​A new blog, Marijuana Prohibition Is Unconstitutional, has been launched to showcase the work of lawyer/author Hoam Rogh, whose new legal thriller on the pot laws, The Case of US v. Yerbas, is receiving great reviews.

In Rogh’s book, marijuana is legalized by operation of law. Rogh said he took what he larned in law school and countless more hours of Constitutional legal studies to destroy the nation’s current marijuana laws.
The Marijuana Prohibition Is Unconstitutional blog was launched to help him reach an even broader audience, according to Rogh.
The blog is written with devastating clarity, and if you believe that knowledge is power, it contains some powerful stuff.
For example, such posts as “Three-Point Legalization Plan” and “Five Things To Do After Your Marijuana Arrest” kick some potent legal knowledge with which any marijuana activist or enthusiast should become familiar.

The Oklahoma Legislature is taking a first, tentative step towards the possible legalization of marijuana for medical purposes.

A Senate Interim Study to review and analyze medical marijuana has been approved, reports Fox 25; next, the Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee will decide if the issue will get a hearing.
Connie Johnson, the state senator behind the study said the study is just a first step for legislators to inform themselves about the issue. Senator Johnson said she planned to introduce  a medical marijuana legalization bill in the Legislature this December.

Photo: Jesse Kasten/The Lumberjack
Flagstaff, Arizona’s Cheba Hut is a friendly haven for the high and hungry. But plans to located a medical marijuana dispensary next door have been derailed by city officials.

​Aw, man. It would have been so perfect.

Locating a medical marijuana dispensary next to a sandwich shop known for its stoner-friendly atmosphere and its subs named after strains of cannabis? Genius idea, and good for both businesses.
Several ganjapreneurs evidently had the same idea, even going to far as to secure a letter of intent from the landlord to rent them the commercial space next to the Cheba Hut in Flagstaff, Arizona. Cheba Hut markets to stoners, winkingly putting in quotes “Toasted” Subs and featuring “palm trees” in its logo that look quite a bit like cannabis leaves. Oh, and check out alllll that smoke pouring out the chimney.

Photo: Michael P. McConnell/Oakland County Daily Tribune
Barbara Agro, office manager at the Clinical Relief medical marijuana dispensary in Ferndale, Michigan, talks on her cell phone outside the clinic on August 26, the day after police raided the facility and confiscated patient records, TVs, computers, a small amount of marijuana and even the business’s telephones.

​A judge has ordered Oakland County prosecutors to provide copies of seized patient files and ID cards, and to return computer hard drives and other items to two defendants charged in the county’s largest-ever raid on medical marijuana dispensaries.

Attorneys representing the owners of Ferndale medical marijuana dispensary Clinical Relief, Nicholas Agro, 38, of Lake Orion, Mich., and Ryan Richmond, 33, of Royal Oak, Mich., argued Thursday for the return of the items, which were taken by narcotics officers with the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office.
Officers raided the business, along with another dispensary in Waterford Township and multiple homes on August 25, reports Jennifer Chambers of The Detroit News.