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Western Middle School
Kentucky State Senator Perry Clark: “The chances are that if the people get behind it and there’s a groundswell of support, it could happen”

A Kentucky state senator reintroduced legislation on Thursday that would legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes in the Bluegrass State, and said that the bill has a chance of passage next year if the people will get behind it.

The bill, introduced by Sen. Perry Clark (D-Louisville), would make marijuana a Schedule II drug in Kentucky, recognizing it as having legitimate medical uses, while still being tightly restricted, reports Kevin Willis at WKU.
Medical marijuana patient advocates point out that cannabis can help alleviate pain, stimulate appetite, and reduce nausea.
“It’s time to start the conversation,” Clark said when WKU Public Radio asked if he thought the bill stood a chance of passing next year.


O’Rourke Made Name For Himself By Supporting Marijuana Legalization and By Calling for Open Debate on Drug Legalization to Address Mexico Drug War Violence
On Heels of Stunning Oregon Attorney General Upset, Drug Policy Reform Movement Demonstrates Burgeoning Political Clout
Marijuana legalization supporter Beto O’Rourke defeated eight-term Congressman Sylvestre Reyes in Tuesday’s Democratic primary for Texas’s 16th Congressional district. O’Rourke is virtually assured of being the next Congressman from the heavily Democratic district.
In early 2009, as an El Paso city councilman, O’Rourke championed a resolution calling for a national debate on the legal regulation of currently illicit drugs. The resolution was prompted by the out-of-control violence in El Paso’s neighbor across the border, Ciudad Juarez, which has the highest murder rate of any city in the world.

Goliath’s GAW News Bureau
Kentucky’s new medical marijuana bill bears the name of the great Gatewood Galbraith

By Michael Bachara

Legislation that would make cannabis a Schedule II drug — and thus legal for doctors to prescribe — was introduced on January 31 in the Kentucky State Senate. Senate Bill 129, sponsored by Senator Perry B. Clark (D-Louisville), is being titled the “Gatewood Galbraith Memorial Medical Marijuana Act.”
Galbraith was a prominent lawyer from Kentucky and an avid supporter of cannabis legalization. He dedicated more than 40 years to the restoration of the cannabis plant. He died last month from complications of pneumonia.
“Marijuana has positive medical benefits for patients dealing with illnesses like cancer, multiple sclerosis, and AIDS, to name a few,” Sen. Clark said. “I want to allow this as another treatment option for those individuals.”

The Daily Record

Only 18 Of 32 Drug Courts Showed Statistically Significant Reduction In Re-Arrest Rates Of Participants

Drug courts, hailed just a few years ago as the salvation of our criminal justice system — they were supposed to rescue the courts from being swamped with low-level possession cases — have problems of their own.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) last week released a report in which it finds that only 18 of 32 drug courts — or just more than 50 percent — showed statistically significant reductions in recidivism among participants.