Author Steve Elliott ~alapoet~

iBAKE University

The online cannabis educational program iBAKE University has announced the launch of its new website, Thurlow Weed, CEO of No Excuses Entertainment, LLC, also announced that iBAKE University will continue their $99 enrollment for the month of January 2013.

“If you’re interested in growing, cannabis law, or if you’re interested in starting up a new CannaBiz, iBAKE University is the program to get started with,” Weed said.

Addiction Inbox

Marijuana use may be linked to the development of psychotic symptoms in some teenagers, but the reverse could also be true: psychosis in adolescents may be linked to later pot use, according to a new study from the Netherlands.

“We have focused mainly on temporal order: Is it the chicken or the egg?” the study’s lead author Merel Griffith-Lendering, a doctoral candidate in the Netherlands, wrote to Reuters. “As the study shows, it is a bidirectional relationship.”

By Anthony Martinelli
Communications Director
One thing that’s easily noticed when working in the cannabis reform movement is that there’s an embedded fear in many individuals when it comes to standing up for supporting legalization, and working publicly to get it done. On one hand, it’s hard to blame these people: Cannabis prohibition is a very real, very dangerous beast. The government has spent a lot of time, and resources, to put this fear into the public.
On the other hand, free speech is a constitutional right, and standing up for what we believe in should be a core principle of being an active citizen of our great, yet ever-progressing country. It’s easy to forget that in relative terms, we’re a young nation, and we have a lot to improve upon — we can’t let complacency be an enemy.
Marc Emery compared the oppression of the cannabis community to that of the Jewish people

By Bryan Punyon
Special to Toke of the Town

Fair Warning: This article begins with material that some may find offensive, but for a point.
“Why do Concentration Camp shower heads have eleven holes? Because Jews only have ten fingers.”
Find me a joke about the Cannabis community that borders on that kind of black humor. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
“What’s the difference between a Jew and a pizza? Pizza doesn’t scream when you put it in the oven.”
Same challenge. Still waiting.
“Holocaust jokes aren’t funny, Anne Frankly, I won’t stand for them!”
Gotta love wordplay. Some of my favorite jokes are the result of clever word choice. Still nothing on the offensive Cannabis jokes? Well, then.
Many will find these kinds of jokes offensive. To be honest, they’re some of the tamest Jewish jokes that I know. It’s called Gallows Humor, the art of turning tragedy into hilarity, because the alternative to doing so is to give in to despair and disgust. For an oppressed people to claim the language used in their own dehumanization is a form of cultural empowerment, and part of that includes the use of their own slurs and derogatory humor.
 If a Jew tells Holocaust jokes, do you have the right to be offended?
We will return to that question shortly.
I am a Jew, and I am a Cannabis activist, and I’m pretty annoyed that Marc Emery would equate one with the other

Steve Elliott ~alapoet~
Pictured: “Holland” strain from CannaRx in Seattle

No Excuses Entertainment, LLC’s iBAKE TV and Mj Spectator Team Up For Best Cannabis Picture of 2012 Contest
Now you can turn that killer cannabis photo into cold hard cash.
No Excuses Entertainment, LLC,  iBAKE TV & Mj Spectator have teamed up to bring the cannabis industry the Best Bud Picture of 2012 contest. First place will receive $1,000 cash, Second Place will receive $500 cash, and Third Place will receive $250 cash.
Entries must be uploaded by February 10, 2013, according to the sponsors, and the winners will be announced at the 2013 Medicated Chef Contest, February 16, 2013 at The Oriental Theater in Denver, Colorado.

Justin Sullivan
California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom: “These laws just don’t make sense anymore”

Newsom Adds Voice to Growing List of Prominent U.S. and World Leaders Calling for Alternatives to Failed Drug War
California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom is the latest elected official to call for marijuana legalization. In a Friday front page New York Times story, Newsom said he believes marijuana prohibition is counterproductive and voiced his support for making marijuana legal.
“These laws just don’t make sense anymore,” said Lt. Gov. Newsom, widely considered a leading contender for California’s governor in 2016. “It’s time for policitians to come out of the closet on this.”
Newsom first came to international prominence when, in 2004, as the newly-elected mayor of San Francisco, he issued a directive to the city-county clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

By Ron Marczyk, RN

Part 1: Civil Liberties and Personal Freedom

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” ~ Gandhi
November 2012 will go down in history as the beginning of the end of marijuana prohibition. What a fantastic way to end the year on such a high note!
The government has fought a 75-year war to eradicate a plant that has served humans well since the dawn of civilization and has lost not just a battle but a war, has wasted in blood and treasure over a trillion dollars, and has destroyed millions of lives.
The War On Marijuana is over, and marijuana has won! We voted, and marijuana use now must be considered a human right. 

Tobacco News

New Study Scanned Brains of 92 Subjects, 16 to 20, For 18 Months

A teen who uses alcohol is likely to have reduced brain tissue — but a teen who uses marijuana is not, according to a new study.
Scientists looked at the brains of 92 adolescents, ages 16 to 20, before and after an 18-month period, reports Kathleen Miles at the Huffington Post. Half of the teens — who already had histories of alcohol and marijuana use — continued to use both in varying amounts during that year and a half. The other half of the teens abstained or consumed very minimally, as they had during adolescence.

State of New Jersey Department of Health

New Jersey’s Health Department has apologized after an email from the department included the visible email addresses of all recipients — revealing the email addresses of medical marijuana patient in the state. The department claimed it was taking steps to prevent the error from happening again.

Toke of the Town originally broke the story on Tuesday after registered New Jersey medical marijuana patient Susan Sturner let us know about the email which violated the privacy of patients.

Bruce Cohen/Facebook
Toke of the Town correspondent Sharon Letts, author of this article, at last week’s court support day for medical marijuana defendant Joe Grumbine in Long Beach, California

By Sharon Letts
For several years I’ve watched from Northern California as fellow Cannabis activists painted signs, rallied and gave support for those incarcerated and held for good medicine throughout the medically legal State of California.
Recently, I had the good fortune to join those in the cause at the Long Beach County Courthouse in support of an above board dispensary and co-founder, The Human Solution’s Joe Grumbine — held pending bail on Cannabis charges in the cannabis-conservative County.
It was exciting to meet friends I have only known on Facebook, but it was even more curious to see what the curbside faction was like up close and personal. It’s long been known that those in the forefront of the failed war on drugs are outspoken, to say the least. 
Rally in a Box
It takes purposefulness to keep a box of signs in the trunk of your car for that last minute rally.
Purposefulness, passion and a whole lot of caring come to curbside with each activist showing up for court support for those incarcerated and/or on trial for a plant.
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