Dear Stoner: Does the pot industry get seasonal with it? Christmas edibles, strains and whatnot?
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Daily commuters deserve more sympathy. Not only will the stress and time-suck of rush hour shave years off your life, but the drive will also rob you of the simple things, like daytime television, regular happy hours and the sun. Remember the sun? Anyone who’s out the door before 7 a.m. and off work after 5 p.m. during the winter knows how draining life can be without sunlight, whether you believe in chakras and things that retrograde or not.
The year is almost over, and it’s time we try to remember everything we smoked. (And we really do mean try.) But it’s hard to forget how popular strains like Lilac Diesel and MAC became at dispensaries in 2019, or how hard it was to stand up after sessions of Bubble Jack and Strawberry Milkshake.
When Alyssa Serpentini moved to Colorado twenty years ago, she didn’t just find a new home. She also found a new passion, establishing herself as an artist and sculptor by breaking cannabis stereotypes through an artistic medium.
Dear Stoner: Is there any way to calm a freakout from too many edibles or too big of a dab? Mistakes happen.
Remember Three Kings, the 1999 movie about the end of the Gulf War? Underrated flick: George Clooney, Edward Norton, Ice Cube, Mark Wahlberg and Spike Jonze all in one great cast, before any of them peaked, showing nine-year-old me just how fucked up the world is.
Dear Stoner: Is there any way to make an edible’s impact more immediate? I don’t like vaping or smoking, but I do appreciate how fast they hit.
J. Wellington Weedy
Although it doesn’t officially begin until December 21, winter might as well be here. Holiday lights are glowing, and the snow’s been falling. If you want to drink pumpkin shit for another month, that’s on you. The rest of us will stay cozy making cookies and tamales, or shredding the mountains and hockey rinks like Norse gods.
There are abundant examples of celebrities trying to profit off legal cannabis while the less famous sit behind bars, but some of the OGs of cannabis culture are putting their money where their mouths are. Eric Rachmany, guitarist and singer for Rebelution, is using his national solo tour as a way to raise awareness and money for those imprisoned for cannabis charges.
My brother and I had a typical relationship growing up, filled with fights and sparse moments of bonding until we started drinking together. That’s not to say we have zero memories of getting along, thanks to TV: Watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles together was the first brotherly activity I can remember walking away from unbruised. Based on how the turtles impacted pop culture, I doubt we’re the only ’90s siblings who experienced that.