Browsing: Legalize It

A proposal that would have outlawed Denver residents from smoking cannabis in their own backyards has been snubbed out.
According to a draft of the newly-rewritten proposal, cannabis consumption in your home would remain legal. That includes your backyard. The new proposal also scales back proposed punishments for public consumption from $999 or a year in jail to a $100 fine or 24 hours of community service. The new language still makes it illegal to openly display or distribute cannabis in public.

Sgt. Kevin Glaser.

A Missouri Drug Task Force cop addressed Show-Me Cannabis, the pro-marijuana legalization group, at a town hall meeting in Cape Girardeau last Monday and engaged in a civil discussion about the benefits of marijuana legalization.
But when Sargeant Kevin Glaser of the SEMO Drug Task Force got home, he unleashed on Facebook, basically calling the legalization advocates a bunch of stupid potheads. Riverfront Times has the full story, which I’m sure plenty of stoners will read now.

Big photos below.

Which state will be the next to legalize marijuana? What do the Obama administration’s recent announcements about marijuana legalization and mandatory minimums really mean? What are some solutions to the national overdose crisis that takes more lives than car accidents or gun violence? Those were just some of the questions that over 1,000 people gathered to consider at the International Drug Policy Reform Conference hosted by the Drug Policy Alliance at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel October 23-26. Denver Westword has the entire coverage.

Legalize me.

Think Mary Jane should be legal? You’re not alone. In just one year, the percentage of Americans who favor legalizing marijuana jumped ten percentage points from a small, 48 percent minority to a large, 58 percent majority.
Only 39 percent of people polled said marijuana should remain illegal. They also probably still think the war on drugs is money well spent.



Missourians may not be able to legally smoke marijuana for quite some time, but it’s not because drag queens aren’t doing their part. At the Attitudes nightclub in the Grove, a contingent of drag queens and burlesque dancers hosted a benefit for Show-Me Cannabis Sunday night, when all door charges and tips from dancing and drinks went to the marijuana-legalization group.
Siren, the drag-queen emcee and promoter who organized the event, says she was approached by John Payne, executive director of Show-Me Cannabis, about the possibility of doing a drag and burlesque show. The Riverfront Times has the full story.

Portland, Maine voters this November are being asked to legalize the possession (not the purchase or sale, mind you) of up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis for adults over the age of 21 in the city. Currently, that amount is decriminalized with no jail time and a maximum $600 fine.
While the law change really won’t changemuch, news reports this week tout Portland as a test-case for future East Coast cities and states thinking about similar progressive marijuana laws. But is it?

Shortly after 4:20 p.m.–when else would it be, haha–last Friday, Oct. 11, California’s first open-sourced ballot initiative (read it here: MCLR.pdf) officially filed its paperwork for the November 2014 electoral ballot. In other words, despite the lack of leadership by state lawmakers, we’re officially one step closer to California’s era of legalized recreational marijuana.
OC Weekly has the full story.

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