Search Results: 2011/ (1467)

Photo: Alejandro Mejía Greene/JubiloHaku via Flickr Creative Commons

The Public Safety Committee in the California state legislature shot down AB2500 last week, a bill crafted by Assemblyman Jim Frazier that would have made driving with any trace of THC in your system illegal, and punishable by DUI conviction.
Frazier attempted to lump cannabis in with actual drugs like meth, cocaine, and heroin in a bill that was unreasonably strict, even after Frazier’s original language for it got slashed for being so unjust.

In a highly unusual move, the Denver coroner’s says that marijuana intoxication was the major contributing factor in Levy Thamba’s death by jumping from a hotel balcony last month because the college student had eaten a marijuana edible before the incident.
The coroner’s office says the facts of the case explain why the decision to include information about marijuana was made, though the facts leave a lot of unanswered questions.

High Times will once again be a Mile High on the 4/20 holiday, when the magazine will bring its now-annual Cannabis Cup back to Denver. But do recent shutdowns of other cannabis-friendly events in the city mean that attendees won’t enjoy the same huge clambake that has marked the last three Cups?
According to promoters, the event will once again be filled with speakers, grow workshops, live music and plenty of national and international vendors — much like last year’s.

Big photos and more below.

It was a Happy Halloween at Lightshade Labs, judging by this photo from the store’s Facebook page. But it’s probably an even happier March, since two Lightshade branches are among the latest shops licensed by the City of Denver to sell recreational marijuana. In the two-plus weeks since our last update, Denver has okayed seven more stores, bringing the official total to 54. All of them are included here in this list compiled by Westword’s Michael Roberts, along with photos, videos, links and excerpts from reviews of the ones visited by Westword marijuana critic William Breathes. Count them down below.

Big photos below.

CU-Boulder was once the setting for one of the planet’s largest 4/20 celebrations. But after a massive blowout in 2011, administrators closed the campus in 2012, and did the same in 2013.
No surprise, then, that the university has announced the campus will be off-limits to visitors on this April 20, too. Our friends at the Denver Westword have the rest.

The Mile High City.

Legal marijuana sales have been going on in Colorado now for just about two months, and so far the sky hasn’t fallen. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Marijuana taxes are pumping money into state coffers and (despite high prices) the shops have all operated without any federal intervention.
Want to know which ones are open and what they are like? Our friends at the Denver Michael Roberts at the Denver Westword has been compiling a list of all 47 recreational dispensaries in the city so far, including links to reviews of most of the shops themselves. Page down for more.

In a stunningly misguided article written by Dennis Thompson for, and unfortunately republished on, he asserts that society is bound to pay a steep price for allowing various forms of marijuana legalization to be passed into law.
In his hit piece on pot, Thompson warns of the “dark side” of legal weed, claiming that the growing trend we are seeing in marijuana acceptance is directly creating a major uptick in fatal car accidents, and that soon the dangers of drunk driving will pale in comparison to the dangers of driving with weed in your system.

Ever since Colorado’s medical marijuana boom, law enforcers have been worried about people driving stoned

Toke of the Town

— and these concerns likely helped motivate strict open-container laws related to marijuana.
But now, following the launch of recreational pot sales, one of Colorado’s most powerful legislators has introduced a bill that would make it more difficult to prove an open-container violation — and a marijuana attorney sees the move as a positive one.
Michael Roberts at Westword has the rest of the story.

The Garden State has a new legal medical marijuana garden and dispensary opening today. The appropriately-named Garden State Dispensary in Woodbridge is the third dispensary in the state to open since the program was approved and signed into in 2010.
The dispensary, which has been legally allowed to grow cannabis since August in a converted electronics superstore, received their operations license in late November. They’ve actually been serving a few patients for the last few weeks to make sure things work smoothly, but plan to hold a grand opening ceremony today.

Colorado isn’t the best place to grow cannabis outdoors, what with the early falls and cold, dark winters and all. Because of that, medical marijuana dispensaries (and soon recreational dispensaries) grow a large portion of their cannabis indoors.
With that comes the energy costs of running lights, air conditioning and heating and fans, and when you’re talking thousands of square feet it can get expensive quickly. One Denver dispensary says they regularly get $21,000 electricity bills and say competitors are facing monthly energy bills of $100,000 or more.

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