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Vermont joins 16 other states today that have decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana.
Gov. Peter Shumlin signed H.200 yesterday afternoon, making possession of up to an ounce of marijuana and five grams of hash a civil penalty on part with a traffic ticket for those 21 and up. The maximum fine would be set at $200 for a first offense, $300 for a second offense and $500 for third and subsequent offenses.
Bathsheba, Barbados.

Barbados Attorney General Adriel Brathwiate last week said that he had doubts his country was winning the war on drugs and said the country should re-examine their existing marijuana laws.
According to the Stabroek News, Brathwaite made his remarks while speaking at the opening of a national drug council meeting that was reviewing the country’s drug policies. He pointed to what he sees as an increase in the country’s marijuana use – particularly by young people – as evidence that their policies are failing.

Cannabis Culture

A court in Germany has ruled that seriously ill patients may grow their own cannabis for medicinal uses. However, the strict stipulations in the ruling could still prevent cultivation by some patients.

The December 7 ruling, which has not yet gone into effect, was made by a Federal Administrative Court in Münster, reports DW. Under the ruling, severely ill Germans — for whom no other therapies are available or effective, but who may receive a medical benefit from cannabis — may be allowed to grow medical marijuana at home.
Patients who wish to take part can apply to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) for permission to treat themselves with homegrown marijuana, with use monitored by a medical doctor.

Frank Schnarr, Frankie’s Bar & Grill: “To bring in another type of person to come in my establishment is a plus for me”

Things are changing in Washington state now that residents voted last month to legalize marijuana. As of Thursday, Washingtonians can smoke weed in the privacy of their own homes. And now, Frankie’s Bar & Grill in the capital city of Olympia has invited pot smokers to toke up there.

Owner Frank Schnarr, 62, said he hasn’t smoked any marijuana since he fought in Vietnam in the 1970s, but he could sure use the extra income. “I’m about to lose my business,” he told Jonathan Kaminsky of Reuters. “So I’ve got to figure out some way to get people in here.”
“To bring in another type of person to come in my establishment is a plus for me,” Schnarr told

Legalizing Marijuana

Americans overwhelmingly agree, by an almost 2-to-1 margin, that the federal government should not enforce federal marijuana laws in states that legalize cannabis, according to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll.

“These polls are making it quite clear that most Americans do not want the federal government to stand in the way after a state’s voters have approved a ballot measure to make marijuana legal for adults,” said Steve Fox, director of government relations for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP). “The initiatives in Colorado and Washington received strong majority support because the voters believe regulating marijuana like alcohol would make their communities safer than the current system of prohibition.”
“It’s not just the people of Colorado and Washington who want to see these ballot measures implemented in accordance with the will of the voters,” Fox said. “It’s nearly two-thirds of all Americans. The Obama administration should not undermine their sensible action by ensuring marijuana sales remain underground where the profits prop up cartels and gangs instead of legitimate businesses.”
The question became a very timely one on Thursday, as Washington became the first state in the U.S. to legalize and regulate the possession of up to an ounce of marijuana by adults 21 and older, reports USA Today. 

Former Microsoft executive Jamen Shively: Will he become the Bill Gates of bud?

A former Microsoft executive in Washington state plans to enter the newly legal marijuana business there, with a decided tilt towards the upscale end of the cannabis market.

Jamen Shively said he plans to name the business after his great-grandfather, who supplied hemp tope to the Spanish Armada during the Spanish-American War, reports KIRO TV. He reportedly brainstormed the idea “after a few bong hits.”

Wanna see a lot more of this at Hempfest? You could next year, if I-502 passes.

A Hempfest marred by dozens of busts for people just passing the joint at 4:20? Say it ain’t so!

It could happen if I-502 passes and is enforced as written.
But you’d think Seattle Hempfest would be heaven on Earth after the passage of “legalization” Initiative 502 in Washington state, if all the information you had to go by was a Marc Emery quote — posted by trophy wife Jodie — on Facebook today.

“Next year at Seattle Hempfest, if I-502 passes, everyone will be able to carry an ounce of marijuana around on their person and not be concerned with arrest!” Emery wrote from prison. “Or losing their job! Or losing custody of their children. Or violating probation. Or getting a criminal record.

News Junkie Post
“Here, I’ll hold the plants and you hump my leg. How much is it we’re making again? Couple hundred bucks an hour?”

CAMP Cancelled After Three Decades; Replacement Program Is Smaller

The good news is that the moronic Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP), which over a period of almost three decades burned through millions of dollars of taxpayer money while terrorizing citizens across California with military-style raids, was cancelled this year due to state budget cuts. The bad news is that it’s been replaced with another, renamed program — but at least this one is scaled down, reports Dave Rice at the San Diego Reader.
The new Cannabis Eradication and Reclamation Team (CERT) will operate with only three helicopter teams instead of CAMP’s five teams. The crews, now dividing the state into three regions instead of five, are in charge of spotting illicit grow operations and then transporting gung-ho Rambo-esque teams of heavily tricked-out drug agents to remote locations, then destroying the plants offsite.

Sharon Letts

By Sharon Letts
A good friend is convinced cannabis leads to heroin use. It happened to a friend of his, so he knows. This was a few years ago. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I’d been using the herb off and on since I was 16 years old, and felt nary a pang to upgrade to any other substance. 
I grew up in the 1960s, and went through high school in the 70s, so drugs were no stranger. Having an alcoholic father, my childhood was one big cocktail party. Thankfully, alcohol wasn’t a draw for me, nor was tobacco at 13, or cocaine at 19. 
I had an undiagnosed processing problem. I appeared to be a good student, but could barely pull a C in most classes. After trying cannabis at 16, I did better in school – my concentration improved. I read like an alphabet-hungry animal; I wrote Haiku and poetry and was published at 19. And, as a bonus, I no longer needed to take liver damaging Midol for menstrual cramps.
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