Search Results: pot/ (63)

William Breathes.
Girl Scout Cookies grown in Colorado.

Nebraska and Oklahoma have filed a federal lawsuit against Colorado, urging the feds to shut down Colorado’s marijuana industry that they say is bleeding over into their state and costing their taxpayers millions.
Which would be valid if cops in those states weren’t bringing it on themselves by profiling Colorado drivers, pulling people over for made-up infractions and busting people for minor amounts that they probably wouldn’t have searched for in the past. Oh, and don’t think for a second that these cops – all of which are milking their department overtime pay for court appearances – mind the busts at all. Basically: they’ve brought the “problem” on themselves, are personally reaping financial benefit for it, and now want Colorado taxpayers to chip in to pay for their scam.

In a move that political pundits and cable news carnival barkers are calling a “bi-partisan victory” the U.S. Senate narrowly avoided another damaging government shutdown by passing a last-minute multilayered spending bill over the weekend to keep the gears turning in Washington D.C. until at least September of next year.
To see just how convoluted and counterproductive our political process has become, you need look no further than this spending bill, and buried deep within in it, one Republican’s response to the weed legalization movement that he sees surging through state politics, including the nation’s capital.

A photo of The Grass Station on Green Friday as shared by CBS4. Additional images and videos below.

Last week, we noted that marijuana businesses were embracing Black Friday, with The Grass Station leading the charge via $50 ounces for the first sixteen customers on November 26-28. And while the promotion was presumably aimed at local customers, the whole “Green Friday” concept definitely got national exposure.

The Marley Naturals logo.

Members of the Marley family have granted a Seattle-based equity firm the rights to use Bob Marley’s name in conjunction with a line of cannabis, cannabis-infused products and smoking accessories dubbed Marley Naturals, they announced this week
In an interview on NBC TODAY, Bob’s wife Rita, his son Rohan and daughter Cedella say that the brand will represent true “heirloom Jamaican cannabis” in the American market and that they’ll bring a corporate sensibility to the world of legal pot.

More photos below.

How to get rich quick from the marijuana boom without having anything to do with marijuana? Sell someone a pot-oriented domain name for big bucks! May sound like a long shot, but we found plenty of people on Denver Craigslist trying this tack, peddling sometimes clever/sometimes bizarre/sometimes stupid domain names for $100,000 or more — although bidding at one focusing on hemp starts at just 99 cents and others are more reasonably priced. Check out our ten favorites below, complete with links to the items plus original text and (usually but not always) the art from the ads.
See also: Photos: Four most important factors in a marijuana business investment

Mark Ramsay from Flickr. Image altered by Toke of the Town.

South Salem High School in Oregon recently forced one of its seniors to admit to being under the influence of marijuana, but even though he was not, and has since provided school officials with a negative drug test to prove it, the school still refuses to grant him permission to participate in the graduation ceremony.

St. Louis city council members will hold a marijuana town-hall forum later this month at Harris-Stowe State University to discuss the possibility of decriminalizing cannabis.
Council members say they are concerned about the disproportionate number of arrests of blacks and Hispanic citizens for marijuana possession compared to arrests of white St. Louisans.
Three city Aldermen will meet discuss the pros and cons of decriminalizing and even taxing and selling cannabis along with a panel of cannabis supporters and opposition.
The meeting is set for March 24.

We really want to think this story is fake, because nobody can be so stupid as to force their 23-month-old baby a hit off of their weed pipe, right?
Because police in Mayville, N.Y. say two teen parents did exactly that while baby’s grandfather sat by and watched. Chautauqua County sheriff’s arrested 17-year-old Jessica Kelsey and 18-year-old George Kelsey earlier this month on charges of reckless endangerment and endangering the welfare of a child. Both were arraigned Friday, held on a $20,000 bond.


Among the many natural benefits associated with medicating with marijuana is the sheer lack of detrimental side effects like you see at the end of every prescription drug commercial. But in a half-baked attempt to combat a recent string of favorable headlines for cannabis research, those opposed to the plant are issuing a stern new warning to anyone who smokes (or is even thinking of smoking) pot.
Abdominal cramping, power-puking, and the need for a hot shower – this, they say, is what you are in for if you choose to smoke weed. The prohibitionists are right about one thing; you might need a hot shower after trying to wrap your head around their latest attempt at reasoning.

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