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Graphic: Reality Catcher

​Supporters gathered outside the Guilford County, North Carolina Courthouse Tuesday evening to rally for a bill before the Legislature to legalize medical marijuana.

The purpose was to educate people on House Bill 1380, which would allow doctors to recommend medical marijuana for seriously ill patients, reports
Harold Watts said he wants to tell people how cannabis helps those who are suffering with chronic illness or pain.

Photo: Marijuana Reviews

​Good news, folks. Preachers, police and politicians in Illinois must have already solved all the real and important problems troubling the state, because now they seem to have time to go after blunt wraps.
Clergy and cops are backing a plan being pushed in the General Assembly to classify blunt wraps — made of tobacco leaves, and often used to roll marijuana — as “drug paraphernalia,” reports Kristen Mack at WGN-TV.

Graphic: disinformation
It’s time for WalMart — and other corporate chains — to join the 21st Century.

​WalMart pulled a major bonehead move this week when it sacked a cancer patient — a former Associate of the Year — for following his doctor’s advice and using medical marijuana, which is perfectly legal in Michigan. As a direct result, medical marijuana advocates are now organizing a nationwide boycott of the retail giant.

The Bentonville, Arkansas-based company, notorious for its corporate stance of social conservatism, looked like a big, dumb, lumbering, heartless beast. But WalMart still hasn’t budged, and is completely unapologetic about firing Joseph Casias, who suffers from sinus cancer and an inoperable brain tumor.
The wave of revulsion and outrage over WalMart’s treatment of Casias is growing exponentially as more people learn what was done — and with 80 percent of the American public supporting medical marijuana, the results of a boycott could be substantial.

Photo: DEA

​A British prison inmate turned an empty office into a marijuana farm while out on day release for “work experience.”

Disgraced businessman Christopher Sanders had been given time out by Sudbury Prison officials to find a job on the outside, in preparation for being released early from a seven-and-a-half-year prison stretch for fraud, according to the Daily Mail.
The 41-year-old instead spent £10,000 (more than $15,000) of his savings on high-tech equipment to grow a crop of cannabis.


​The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is obviously targeting a legal medical marijuana delivery service in Orange County — and then lying about it.

California’s medical marijuana law clearly specifies caregivers may possess up to eight ounces per qualified patient. But these Highway Patrol officers pretend to believe that caregivers may possess only eight ounces total.

​Replacing criminal sanctions for marijuana with a $100 civil fine is among the ideas up for discussion as the Washington Legislature begins its 60-day session Monday.

Travel show host Rick Steves and Washington lawmakers including Democratic State Rep. Brendan Williams of Olympia will take part in a panel discussion on the need to change state marijuana laws at 6:30 Tuesday evening in Olympia, reports Brad Shannon of The Olympian.
State Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles and State Rep. Mary Helen Roberts are also on the panel, which the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) organized at the Capitol Theater.
The 30-minute informational video, “Marijuana: It’s Time For A Conversation,” hosted by Steves, will also be shown, according to the ACLU.
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