Cannabis Video Of The Day: “Grassfire” ~ John Trudell


This video slideshow is a compilation of photos taken at The Hemp & Cannabis Foundation’s Medicinal Gardens in Oregon.

The slideshow is accompanied by the song “Grassfire” by John Trudell and his band Bad Dog.

Photo: HVMusic
With a poet’s tongue that cuts to the heart, John Trudell occupies a unique position in contemporary music.

​John Trudell is a poet, recording artist and activist whose diverse following reflects the universal language of his words, work and message. Trudell is a member of the Santee Sioux tribe and was spokesperson for the Indian of All Tribes occupation of Alcatraz Island from 1969 to 1971.
He has also worked with the American Indian Movement (AIM), serving as Chairman of AIM from 1973 to 1979.
Over the past few years, John has become an active voice, as an artist and poet, for the cannabis reform movement.
He is currently involved with a project called Give Love, Give Life to educate individuals and shed light on ovarian cancer awareness as well as offer an option for health care to women and children.
Learn more about his cause:
Music: “Grassfire” by John Trudell and Bad Dog
Blue Indians, 1999
YouTube video, 2010 by marijuanavideos