Was It High Definition? 112 Pounds Of Pot Found In Big Screen TV


What is it

Photo: Bruce Chambers/The Orange County Register

​ with pot and big screen TVs this week? Toke of the Town already reported on a Georgia man growing pot in his hollowed out big screen TV. Now, a 22-year-old man was arrested Tuesday evening after customs officers found 112 pounds of marijuana stashed inside a big screen TV he was driving into the United States from Mexico.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers arrested the man, a United States citizen from Chula Vista, California, at the San Ysidro border station, reports KTLA News.

Drug dogs were screening waiting vehicles when one of the cannabis-sniffing canines alerted on the man’s 1998 Ford Windstar minivan.
Officers then conducted a more in-depth search of the vehicle and driver at a secondary inspection area.
During the secondary search, officers ran the van through the port’s x-ray imaging system, which revealed “anomalies” inside the big screen TV.
Customs agents then found 36 cellophane-wrapped packages of marijuana.
Officers claimed the 112 pounds of cannabis had a street value of $56,155.
The driver was taken to the San Diego County Jail.
Toke of the Town thanks Mike Bezalel for the headline idea.