Pot Dispensary Owner Tries Citizens Arrest; Gets Busted Again


Graphic: Doc Herbalist

​In a bizarre twist Monday, the owner of a medical marijuana dispensary in Fresno, California — along with his son — tried to put a deputy city attorney under citizen’s arrest outside a courtroom.

Three days after being released from jail, Rick Morse, owner of Medmar Clinic, a dispensary in Fresno, and his son Brandon tried to arrest Deputy City Attorney Michael Flores as Flores approached the civil courthouse, reports Dennis Hart at KMJnow.
Sheriff’s deputies intervened and prevented the attempted arrest.
Morse and son were cited on suspicion of battery after trying to arrest Flores, after bailiffs quickly broke up the confrontation, reports Pablo Lopez at The Fresno Bee.

Photo: The Fresno Bee
Medmar medical marijuana dispensary owner Rick Morse

​Both Morses were written up for misdemeanors and then released, but authorities seized their handcuffs as evidence.
Afterward, Morse said he had a right to make a citizen’s arrest, accusing Flores of violating his rights and conspiring to kill him.
The Morses said that virtually every city official in Fresno has conspired against their family business.
Last Friday, a judge sent Rick Morse to jail after Morse admitted he violated the judge’s order to close Medmar.
After about eight hours behind bars, Morse was released Friday night, released from jail because of overcrowding.
Hours after the attack, City Attorney James Sanchez said he was “very disappointed in the sheriff” for releasing Morse early from jail.
Morse’s early release “undermines the criminal justice system,” Sanchez claimed Monday, because Morse and his medical marijuana dispensary are “legitimate threats to public safety.”
“It’s unfortunate the sheriff had to release him,” Sanchez said.
Sanchez claimed his staff plans to return to Fresno County Superior Court on Thursday to ask Judge Donald Franson Jr. to order the Sheriff’s Office to keep Morse locked up for his entire 15-day sentence.
A judge Friday had sentenced Morse to spend 15 days in custody for violating the court order to close Medmar.
Back in August, Fresno city officials sued Medmar and eight other dispensaries, claiming they violated a zoning ordinance that requires them to comply with both state and federal law. While California legalized medical marijuana 14 years ago, cannabis possession for any reason is illegal under federal law.
Superior Court judges Donald Franson and Alan Simpson have sided with the city in court rulings, ordering all nine dispensaries in the Fresno to shut down. All except Medmar closed.
Morse and Flores are scheduled to return to court Thursday.