This Is Art Appreciation: 4 Pounds Of Pot Found In Painting


Photo: WSB TV
Gordon Clement, 80, had this painting for five years before he discovered four pounds of marijuana inside the frame. See photo of the cannabis after the fold.

​A Georgia man who bought a painting at auction years ago last weekend discovered there was more to the artwork than met the eye when he found thousands of dollars worth of marijuana hidden inside it.

Gordon Clement, 80, of Cherokee County, Ga., said he found four pounds of cannabis stashed inside the frame of the painting he now owns, reports WSB TV.
Rather than being cool about it, just smoking the damn stuff and enjoying the painting like he should, Clement opted to take the whiney approach.

Photo: WSB TV
Dude, if I found four pounds of pot inside a painting, I wouldn’t be “devastated” like Mr. Clement. I’d be more “annihilated” like Mr. Chong. I’d also be buying a fuckload more artwork.

​”I was devastated… It was nerve wracking,” Clement complained.
Dude, if I found four pounds of pot inside a painting, I wouldn’t be “devastated” like Mr. Clement. I’d be more “annihilated” like Mr. Chong. I’d also be buying a fuckload more artwork.
Anyway, Clement bought the painting at a post office auction about five years ago. He discovered the pot last weekend while trying to sell the artwork at another auction. Clement was asking only $25 for it.
For those who enjoy math, that would have come out to $6.25 a pound for the pot — a nice price, even if it was five-year-old brick Mexican.
But even at that price, “It didn’t sell,” Clement said.
While a family member was lifting the unwanted painting back into the truck, they felt something moving inside. What the hell?
A worker then pried open the back of the frame with a screwdriver.
“And that’s when the discovery was made… four pounds of marijuana inside the picture frame,” Clement said.
He decided to take the marijuana home and call his lawyer (gotta love this guy’s instincts, LOL), but on the way there, he said he was “a nervous wreck” knowing he was carrying all that “dope.”
“I kept telling the driver, ‘Cool it, slow down.’ He said, ‘I’m only going 45,'” Clement said.
Clement’s lawyer told him to call the cops, which he did.
Police investigators told Clement the pot was worth $4,800, so they’re estimating it at a generous $1,200 a pound (remember, this weed is five years old).
Clement said he was relieved to “get rid of the drugs.”
He said he never experienced anything like this in his 80 years. However, Clement added, this is not going to “cramp his style.” He plans to continue going to art auctions.