Kidnap Suspect Nabbed Thanks To Marijuana Dispensary


Photo: Jeff Totten/The Daily Californian
Berkeley Patients Group called the police when they discovered a customer had an outstanding warrant.

​It’s safe to say that a bunch of cops swarming into a marijuana dispensary is usually not good news. But when police came into Berkeley Patients Group on Friday, it was because the pot club’s management had alerted them that a woman wanted on a parental abduction warrant had entered the building.

The Berkeley Police Department confirmed the arrest of a local woman at the dispensary.
Berkeley Patients Group marketing manager Brad Senesac said his dispensary has “a really good relationship” with the police.
Bear in mind that if you have any outstanding warrants, you may not want to get your medicine at BPG.
For some feel-good reading from our sister blog SF Weekly in the Village Voice Media empire, check out Joe Eskenazi’s story here.
