Michigan And Montana Voters Still Support Medical Marijuana


Graphic: Potspot 411

​​Amid a push in Montana to repeal the state’s medical marijuana law and litigation related to some aspects of Michigan’s law, new polls show that voters in both states still overwhelmingly support allowing patients to use medical marijuana with doctors’ recommendations.

In Montana on Monday, the House of Representatives voted to repeal the state’s 2004 voter-enacted law. Meanwhile, the state Senate is considering legislation to further regulate the distribution and cultivation of marijuana in the state.
These poll results show that voters want to work with their state legislatures to ensure access to medical marijuana is protected, and any problems that arise are addressed in a rational manner through regulation, according to the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP).

Graphic: Potspot 411

​A recent poll conducted by Marketing Resource Group, Inc., revealed that a strong majority of Michigan voters still support the medical marijuana law they approved in November 2008. When asked if they would vote for the law again today, 61 percent responded that they would.
This level of support is nearly identical to the percentage by which the initiative was voted into law, and according to MPP, shows that Michiganders recognize the benefits their medical marijuana program has for sick and dying people in their state.
A statewide poll conducted by Public Policy Polling last weekend found that a sizable majority of adult Montanans — 63 percent — still supports allowing medical marijuana, and most would support strict new regulations.
But, in stark contrast, only 20 percent support the Legislature repealing medical marijuana.

Photo: MPP
Karen O’Keefe, MPP: “These polls show that voters stand firmly behind the compassionate policies they enacted at the ballot box”

​An overwhelming 76 percent believe the Legislature should either adopt new regulations or leave the law unchanged entirely. In 2004, 62 percent of Montana voters approved their state’s medical marijuana law.
“These polls show that voters stand firmly behind the compassionate policies they enacted at the ballot box,” said Karen O’Keefe, director of state policies for the Marijuana Policy Project.
“Since Montana and Michigan’s laws were enacted, federal policy has improved and states have found better ways to provide patients access and address community concerns,” O’Keefe said.
“Montana and Michigan should follow the lead of six states and D.C., but providing for well-regulated dispensary systems,” O’Keefe said.
For more information about Marijuana Policy Project, visit www.mpp.org.