Poll: 79% Of Connecticut Voters Support Medical Marijuana


Graphic: Menopausal Stoners

​Medical marijuana has the support of a whopping 79 percent of Connecticut voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released on Thursday. The poll, which also showed strong support for cannabis decriminalization, comes as state legislators consider medical marijuana and decrim bills.

Support for medical marijuana was above 70 percent in every demographic, with even 72 percent of Republicans favoring it, reports Phillip S. Smith at AlterNet.
“There is a near consensus on the medical marijuana law with about eight in 10 voters supporting it,” said Dr. Douglas Schwartz, Quinnipiac poll director. “it’s rare to see such a level of support for any issue.”

While support for pot decrim wasn’t as overwhelming, it was still very high, and trending upward. Decrim was supported by a two-to-one margin, with 65 percent in favor and 32 percent opposed. That’s up seven points in just a year, compared with the Quinnipiac poll from March 2010.
Decriminalization was also supported by every demographic, with even 53 percent of Republicans and 58 percent of voters older than 64 supporting it. Support among Democrats was at 70 percent, as was support among voters 18 to 34 years old.
“Connecticut voters have clearly signaled in this poll their policy preferences on medical marijuana and decriminalization,” Smith said. “Now, let’s hope the state Legislature, and especially key committee chairs, are paying attention.”
The poll of 1,693 registered voters was conducted March 1-7 using live interviews, calling both land lines and cell phones. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.4 percentage points.