Governor: R.I. Marijuana Dispensaries On ‘Difficult Ground’


Photo: Business Insider
Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee said dispensaries will be on “difficult ground” until federal pot laws change

​Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee said medical marijuana dispensaries like those planned for his state will face challenges as long as the federal government takes a hard line on cannabis.

Chafee, an independent, put on hold a plan to license three dispensaries to sell marijuana to patients after the state’s U.S. Attorney warned in April that doing so could violate federal law, reports the Associated Press.
Now Gov. Chafee said state and federal officials should find “common ground” on the question of dispensaries. Last week Attorney General Eric Holder visited Rhode Island and promised to clarify the federal government’s position on medicinal cannabis.

But, according to Chafee, unless and until federal marijuana laws are changed, dispensaries will be on “difficult ground.”
The governor said there’s no timeline for a decision on whether to allow the dispensaries to open.