Public Forum Will Support North Carolina Medical Marijuana Bill


Graphic: The North Carolina Cannabis Patients Network

If you or someone you care about has cancer or another debilitating medical condition that modern medicine is not helping — or the medicine is causing more side effects than it is worth — and you’ve considered using medical cannabis, you know how important legal access can be.

North Carolina House Bill 577, the “North Carolina Cannabis Act” would help seriously ill patients by providing them with safe and legal access to medical marijuana, and a public forum has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, to help educate legislators and the public about the bill.
The day will kick off with a press conference at 9:30 a.m., in room LB 1328. The North Carolina Cannabis Act House Bill 577 of 2011’s Public Forum is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Legislative Auditorium between the House and Senate Chambers. A lunch break at 1 p.m. out on the Halifax Mall, between the legislative buildings, will be sponsored by the North Carolina Cannabis Patients Network (NCCPN).

Many patients from across the country and locally will attend to share how cannabis therapy has helped them and why safe access to medical marijuana should not be illegal for the sick and suffering patients of North Carolina who need this medication.

Photo: Rep. Kelly Alexander
Rep. Kelly Alexander (D-Mecklenburg County) has shown real leadership by sponsoring HB 577, the North Carolina Cannabis Act.

​The event is organized by Rep. Kelly Alexander, the Carolina Cannabis Coalition, and the NCCPN so that legislators and the public in North Carolina can inform themselves about House Bill 577 and what it will mean to thousands of North Carolinians who so desperately need medical cannabis to live a better quality of life.
Mike Hyde of the Cash Hyde Foundation, “Cancer Fears Me,’ will visit from Montana to testify about how cannabis helped save the life of this two-year-old son Cash, diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. Mike believes cannabis extract, which he helped Cash to ingest through his feeding tube in the cancer center, helped to cure his son of cancer and save his life.
Cash is the youngest cardholder to become a registered cannabis patient in the United States. He will turn three years old on June 21. The Hyde family now travels around educating everyone they can about the healing that occurred with the aid of cannabis extract.
Additionally, a federal marijuana tin belonging to Irvin Rosenfeld, one of the four remaining federal marijuana patients in the United States, will be on display. Irv receives 300 joints every 25 days in these tins from the U.S. government.
Craig Beresh of the American Cannabis Coalition will attend from San Diego, California to speak on the legal environment surrounding medicinal cannabis.
There will also be many more patients whose lives have been beneficially touched by medical cannabis who will share their stories.
You are invited to attend and support North Carolina’s Cannabis Act, House Bill 577 of 2011. North Carolinians can help by just picking up the phone and asking their legislators to attend this event. When you call, please mention that any legislator who attends will receive a free lunch, courtesy of NCCPN.
When: Tuesday, June 7, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Where: 16 West Jones Street, Raleigh, N.C., in the Legislative Auditorium located centrally between the House and Senate chambers
For more information, contact Rebecca Forbes, (919) 337-7057 or email [email protected].