State Investigates Medical Marijuana Authorizations At Hempfest


Photo: Digital Journal

​​Washington state healthcare regulators have opened an investigation into two medical professionals who were issuing medical marijuana authorizations at Seattle Hempfest in August.

The preliminary investigation was started by the Department of Health (DOH) on Thursday, based on an August 21 story in The Seattle Times which described a reporter’s ability to get a medical marijuana authorization based on complaints of back pain, reports Jonathan Martin at The Seattle Times.
“It was opened as a result of media reports,” said DOH spokesman Tim Church, who declined to name the two healthcare professionals.

The state’s naturopathic advisory committee has opened a complaint, according to Church.
After investigating the two individuals, DOH will decide whether to close the case or go forward with a fuller probe and possibly a disciplinary hearing, Church said.
“Anytime we see something that could be outside the scope of a medical professional’s license, we take a look at it,” Church said.
The DOH has never taken action against a medical professional for authorizing medicinal cannabis in the 13-year history of Washington state’s medical marijuana law, which was approved by voters in 1998.